Liner Notes on 2022 – Part I (Borrowed Nostalgia)

It’s that time of the year again for my traditional end-of-year blog lists nobody has asked for. As we have returned to some kind of normality, another year has been graced with a plethora of fantastic records; precious moments where the underground and the niche popped their camo clad head through the mire of derivativeContinue reading “Liner Notes on 2022 – Part I (Borrowed Nostalgia)”

Sing me a line from your favourite song

“Ever get that feeling, when you experience some sort of musical epiphany and strive to memorize the melody and the lyrics of a song you have just listened to, before they‘re lost into the next morning’s haze?” This month is my blog’s 8th year anniversary and to be honest I’ve never expected to make itContinue reading “Sing me a line from your favourite song”

Songs for the misfits: Inside Klute’s ‘Whatever It Takes’ LP

‘Whatever It Takes’ is a phrase I’ve been saying to myself over the last few years, when I despair with manipulative behaviour, in the face of what seems to be happening in the current climate of media/consumer culture; the lengths that people will go to, the things that they will do to get attention orContinue reading “Songs for the misfits: Inside Klute’s ‘Whatever It Takes’ LP”

Count To Ten: Intrigue Music

“Intrigue came about from a desire to put on liquid funk nights in Bristol and showcase our sound. After a few years it developed into a record label, which was something I’d wanted to do since getting into production back in 2000.” – Ben Payne The fifteenth installment of the blog’s “Count To Ten” seriesContinue reading “Count To Ten: Intrigue Music”