Songs for the misfits: Inside Klute’s ‘Whatever It Takes’ LP

‘Whatever It Takes’ is a phrase I’ve been saying to myself over the last few years, when I despair with manipulative behaviour, in the face of what seems to be happening in the current climate of media/consumer culture; the lengths that people will go to, the things that they will do to get attention orContinue reading “Songs for the misfits: Inside Klute’s ‘Whatever It Takes’ LP”

Tracks I Wish I’d Written (issue #14): Klute – We Control The Vertical

“… a touching piece of graffiti appeared on a wall during the gig – a vertical line, a horizontal line and then the two conjoined – we control the vertical, we control the horizontal, we control the Zig Zag…” Over the years I have developed a penchant for albums. Immersing in the underlying atmosphere, IContinue reading “Tracks I Wish I’d Written (issue #14): Klute – We Control The Vertical”