Count To Ten: Drum & Bass Illustrations and Record Artwork (part 2)

What the sleeve notes never tell you It’s been 16 months since the original post , which was meant to be a one-off feature; however I always felt that it’s been somehow incomplete. The constructive feedback I received, occasionally bordering on debate over a matter de facto subjective, convinced me to revisit the topic; paraphrasingContinue reading “Count To Ten: Drum & Bass Illustrations and Record Artwork (part 2)”

Tracks I Wish I’d Written (issue #8): Instra:mental – Photograph

“… the track had a very heavy nostalgic feeling to it, like you were looking at an old photo album with the faded film of childhood memories, simpler times. We are both massive fans of video and with ‘Photograph’ it’s like we envisioned it to be scene of a film …” – Damon Kirkham reflectsContinue reading “Tracks I Wish I’d Written (issue #8): Instra:mental – Photograph”