Liner Notes on 2022 – Part II (Impressions of Absence)

This is the second part of the extended ‘Liner Notes on 2022’ feature exploring a wide array of styles, concepts, themes and motifs; from contemporary classical, ambient and music for films, to shoegaze electronica, techno, deep house and even progressive rock vignettes. The piano takes centre stage and bar a few exceptions, this is mainlyContinue reading “Liner Notes on 2022 – Part II (Impressions of Absence)”

Liner notes on 2020 – Part I

“When someone isn’t there any more, the empty space is charged with emotional power. As if the act of vanishing leaves behind an ethereal, supernatural signature. As ever, the closing of one door leads to the opening of another. Without the experience of loss, this album would not be in existence and that is aContinue reading “Liner notes on 2020 – Part I”